
Solidarity and Support Statements


ag体育 in our nation too numerous to mention have historically and repeatedly shown racial discrimination, bias, fear, and hate. Multiple recent events of individuals attacked and lives lost, made known via video recordings, have pulled back the thin veil keeping these events from the forefront of public consciousness. 因此,一个大的 portion of this country, and the world, has said 足够的 is 足够的, the prejudice, discrimination, profiling, inequitable treatment, and injustice must 结束. 一定 be equity for all, and there must be justice for all. 这是一场声势浩大的运动, and only the first wave has come ashore.



Chabot dsp支持


In support of the long overdue social earthquake that began sweeping the country in 2020, “大学 Disabled Students Programs and Services team affirms that we stand in solidarity with our black community: students, faculty and staff, administrators, and all other members of our educational family. We hear you, and we support you. 一定 be a foundational shift, a true structural change at the heart of our country, our educational system, our policing system, and most importantly, within ourselves. We collectively must not settle for token words or facades of change. 我们不能妥协 for tolerance, as tolerance is not equality. All lives can’t matter if black lives 不. So, we loudly proclaim that Black Lives Matter, for their lives are the ones that are hurting, that are afflicted, and are in need of justice.

Words alone are not, nor ever can be, 足够的. Stating what we are against, is not 足够的. We must declare what we are for, and we must follow our declarations with 行动. We must not settle for complacency in discomfort, but be motivated to action 和股票. We must hold ourselves, and each other, accountable to our collective 未来,靠改善现在. To this goal we wholeheartedly agree with and support the collective student voice demanding Racial Justice and Equity, for both quantitative 以及质变. This includes better access to counselors, tutors, and peer mentors, dedicated space and financial resources, and programs to increase black student success and academic excellence.
As a team, 需求方 commits to personal and departmental training and involvement for black student excellence and support.


Chabot dsp支持

亚洲 & 太平洋岛民学生

The “大学 需求方 Program stands in solidarity and support of our 亚洲, 亚洲-American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students, classified professionals, faculty, administrators, 以及我们社区的成员. We want you to know we are here to support you, and we condemn current and past waves of violence against any and all members of AAPI 社区. This ongoing prejudice and violence against AAPI individuals, in connection with the COVID pandemic, is senseless and baseless, and must stop.
The history of prejudice, violence, and hate against individuals and 社区 of 亚洲 descent reaches far back in our history. Whether it is against women, elderly, children, or men, and regardless if it is physical, verbal, or emotional, it must 结束. Regardless of skin-color, place of origin or birth, belief, way of life, socioeconomic position, sex, age, or any other differentiators we might see, we are all worthy of respect, consideration, and honor as human beings.
As a student support program, and as individuals, “大学 需求方 is committed to supporting, listening to, and being present for all of our students, and in this moment, our AAPI students in particular. If there is any way we can help you, listen to you, or support you, please do not hesitate to reach out.

In addition, we also support and stand with our students that are of a Latinx background, that are members the LGBTQI+ community, that are both documented and undocumented, that are of a middle Eastern background, that are indigenous, that are victims of prejudice for their religious beliefs, and all members of oppressed people groups that have ever experienced anything less than full support and dignity in this world.

However dark the night, dawn comes every morning. This particular night of injustice and prejudice has been exceedingly long, but despite the darkness we have lived in, 希望依然存在. We are what we repeatedly do, so let us choose to be loving, let us choose to be kind, let us choose to be better.